Wild For Taranaki

Member Films

This selection of videos showcases hapū, organisations and member groups who work tirelessly towards thriving biodiversity in Taranaki. Wild for Taranaki is proud to present these videos with funding from the Jobs for Nature, Resilience and Sustainability Project, in collaboration with DOC and He Hononga Taiao.

Here we showcase videos highlighting stories from our member groups doing great work protecting and enhancing environments in Taranaki for native species to thrive. The videos are produced by film duo Better Ancestors, who tell environmental change stories, focusing on communities and the power that comes from connections. 

Support our community to restore Taranaki's natural environment

We can’t do it alone. We need your help! Any money you donate will go directly to supporting Taranaki projects restoring and protecting biodiversity. You get to choose where it goes to. And if you can’t help out with cash, you can help in other ways.

Action Hub